One History … Three Ports of Call

Cana Island Lighthouse

Baileys Harbor

Door County Maritime Museum

Sturgeon Bay

Death’s Door Maritime Museum

Gills Rock

​​​​​​​Door County Maritime Museum: Where Great Lakes History Comes Alive!

Our Mission: The Door County Maritime Museum & Lighthouse Preservation Society, Inc. preserves Great Lakes maritime history, primarily focusing on Door County, Wisconsin, and provides interpretive and educational opportunities for current and future generations.

The Museum operates three locations, including the Door County Maritime Museum along the working waterfront in Sturgeon Bay; the iconic Cana Island Lighthouse in Baileys Harbor; and the Death’s Door Maritime Museum in Gills Rock. As one of northeast Wisconsin’s top tourism destinations, averaging 95,000 visitors annually, the Door County Maritime Museum serves as a cultural and educational resource for all 72 counties in Wisconsin. 

Our Vision: To be a preeminent cultural and educational resource for the preservation and stewardship of regional maritime history.

DCMM Land Acknowledgement: The Door County Maritime Museum acknowledges that the indigenous peoples and nations – including the Menominee, Potawatomi, as well as other native peoples – have stewarded through generations the lands and waterways of what is now northeastern Wisconsin. We honor and respect the enduring relationship that exists between these peoples and this land and the waters surrounding it.

Annual Membership Meeting

All current annual and lifetime DCMM members are invited to attend the Annual Membership Meeting of the Door County Maritime ...

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Red square box with peaked metal roof, sitting at the end of a break wall. A catwalk of wood and steel connects the lighthouse to the shore.

Lighthouse Festivals: Tours on SALE NOW!

Festival weekends include air, land-based, boat, and adventure tours that provide access to all 11 of the treasured lighthouses of Door County and three of our neighbors to the south.

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Win this Handcrafted Wooden Boat!

Each year, DCMM hosts a wooden boatbuilding class, keeping alive the traditional maritime craft. Aspiring boat builders have an opportunity ...

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